This species can be very active in captivity and consequently make interesting pets. In many parts of their range they are regularly encountered in desert trees but there are also reports of them occurring in areas that are totally devoid of trees. Full sized Storr's Monitors can grow to be 40cm. Storr's Monitors are uncomplicated in their captive husbandry requirements and respond well to standard techniques. Whilst they like to climb and will do so if given the opportunity, they can be successfully kept in a terrestrial cage setup. They can live in captivity for up to 10 years. REQUIREMENTS You require a basic wildlife licence issued by the Department of Sustainability and Environment. HOUSING One or two adults can be maintained in an enclosure that measures 4’ x 2’ x 2’ aquarium. A single animal can be housed in a 3’ x 18” x 18”. A layered basking site is also recommended. Create a natural looking layered basking site using stacks of flat slate or ledge rock. Spaces between will be used by the lizards to regulate body temperature. As they move up the stack, they are able to attain warmer body temperatures. Temperatures in the enclosure should be kept at 30°C with the hottest area being 45 – 50°C directly under the basking lamp. Because of the high temperatures in the enclosure, water should be changed daily as it will evaporate quickly. This monitor must have a very hot basking site and full spectrum lighting 10.0 UVB to assist in vitamin D3 production and calcium absorption. SUBSTRATE Bark, commercially cleaned sand, synthetic grass, newspaper or butchers paper are all good clean substrates. WATER Ensure water bowls are cleaned regularly and fresh water is available constantly. FEEDING These small monitors are primarily insectivores but they will also feed on small lizards such as skinks and geckos in the wild. In captivity, they thrive on crickets, mealworms, wax worms, and silkworms. Calcium powders are available at many pet stores and should be mixed in equal quantities with a multivitamin powder then dusted on food before feeding. Place your food insects in a plastic bag with a pinch of calcium / multivitamin powder and shake it till the food is well coated. By doing this about 1/2 the times you feed your monitor, calcium deficiency will be avoided. HANDLING Although monitors are typically shy and nervous animals, domestically bred mulga monitors can become very docile and tractable with consistent gentle handling.